Several states and cities have recently enacted plastic bag bans. The bans intend to reduce the billions of single-use bags used each year. Plastic bags also cost retailers money, the plastic pollutes the environment, and plastic bags are a big problem in the recycling system.
Some of the laws include requirements such as:
- Prohibiting single-use plastic bags in all retail and grocery stores, restaurants, takeout establishments, festivals, and markets.
- Requiring a charge for all recycled content paper carryout bags and reusable carryout bags made of film plastic that is 2.25 mil thick or greater.
- Requiring sales tax to be charged on the bags, since the locations are selling them to customers.
What does this mean in terms of the point of sale system?
If your jurisdiction requires customers be charged for bags, a new button will need to be added to your system for the charge. If you need a button added for a bag charge and you are a monthly support client, please fill out the menu change request form.
Please note: it is the responsibility of the restaurant/location to confirm the dollar amount of the bag charge and to maintain it if it changes. We are not responsible for the changing requirements and laws.
When reporting the bag sales to your jurisdiction, use the Product Sales by Category report to show the sales. Check with your local department of revenue rules and regulations to determine if the bag charges are taxed and if they affect B&O taxes.
Example Bag Ban in Washington State: Bag Ban Bill (SB 5323 – 2019-20)
Questions about bag charges and your point of sale system? Email [email protected].